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Simple Normalizer

The Simple Normalizer is a fast and simple normalizer, optimized for high performance.


Install the library using composer:

composer require 21torr/simple-normalizer

When using Symfony Flex there is nothing else to do, otherwise you need to manually load the bundle.


The bundle provides a SimpleNormalizer service, that you can use to normalize your data:

$normalizer->normalize($value, $context);

// or to make sure that you get an array back
$normalizer->normalizeArray($value, $context);

// or when requiring a map (see below)
$normalizer->normalizeMap($value, $context);

The normalizer will automatically keep all scalar values and traverse all arrays. For every object it encounters, it will use a custom normalizer to normalize the content. There is no automatic object support of any kind.

You need to register custom object normalizers for every object in the data tree.

List Handling

When normalizing list-arrays (numerical arrays without gaps), the normalizer will automatically filter out values that are normalized to null.

$normalizer->normalize(["a", null, "b"]);

// will normalize to

["a", "b"]

Map Handling

The normalizer is intended to prepare data for serialization. So it is supposed to be used with any data, and the result can then be transformed to JSON using json_serialize().

When normalizing key-value-maps however, there is an issue with empty arrays:

"test" => "abc"

will be normalized + serialized to

{"test": "abc"}

However an empty map will be normalized to an array:


That is due to the fact, that json_encode() can't know whether you want an object or an array here. For PHP that doesn't matter: both will decode to the same data structure. However, in JavaScript they will decode to either [] or {}, which are not compatible.

So for this case, you can use ->normalizeMap(), which will return stdClass for the case of an empty array, as this will be JSON encoded to {}.

Object Normalizers

For every object you want to normalize, you need to register a custom normalizer.

use Torr\SimpleNormalizer\Normalizer\SimpleObjectNormalizerInterface;

class MyObjectNormalizer implements SimpleObjectNormalizerInterface
* @inheritDoc
public function normalize (object $value, array $context, SimpleNormalizer $normalizer) : mixed
assert($value instanceof MyObject);

// implement your normalization here
return [
"title" => $value->getTitle(),
// ...

* @inheritDoc
public static function getNormalizedType () : string
return MyObject::class;

The class is automatically configured when using Symfonys autoconfiguration.

Your normalize() method gets passed the normalizer, so you can recursively normalize content:

public function normalize (object $value, array $context, SimpleNormalizer $normalizer) : mixed
assert($value instanceof MyObject);

// implement your normalization here
return [
"image" => $normalizer->normalize($value->getImage(), $context),
// ...


The recursive normalization process uses an additional $context array, that you can use to modify the normalization behavior or add global context for normalization (like a locale that the data is normalized for).

$normalizer->normalize($value, [
"locale" => "de",

And then use it in your normalizers:

public function normalize (object $value, array $context, SimpleNormalizer $normalizer) : mixed
assert($value instanceof MyObject);

$locale = $context["locale"] ?? "en";

// ...