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Feature Flags

Feature Flags is a symfony bundle that integrates feature flags into your application.


composer require 21torr/feature-flags

Defining Feature Flags

In the root of your project, create a .features.yaml file and define your feature flags there:

feature: true
some-other: false
login: on
something: off

You can use true, false, on and off as possible values.


PHP / Symfony

Fetch the FeatureFlags service:


public function myAction (FeatureFlags $flags) : Response
if (!$flags->hasFeature("login"))
throw $this->createNotFoundException("Login disabled.");

return $this->render(...);


In twig, use the has_feature() twig function:

{%- if has_feature("login") -%}
<a href="{{ path("login") }}">Login</a>
{%- endif -%}