Storyblok Bundle Webhooks
The installation guide for the Storyblok Bundle was updated. The new bundle version also includes the new webhook integration.
The installation guide for the Storyblok Bundle was updated. The new bundle version also includes the new webhook integration.
New features of the hosting bundle were documented:
Task Manager v2 was released.
The docs for the task manager bundle were updated and now only include the docs for v2.
The Dune docs were finalized:
A bunch of new docs were written:
Some PHP libraries were documented as well:
Also the TS docs were updated:
A bunch of new docs were written:
is now deprecated, the docs were removed.You should migrate from php-cs
to Janus PHP as soon as possible.
You should start with removing the old vendor-bin
rm -rf vendor-bin
Then proceed with regularly installing Janus.
The prismic bundle is officially deprecated.
Dune now has some docs, with focus on the new React components.
The RAD bundle docs were restructured and the doctrine change checker was documented.
Special settings or including/excluding fields in the translations export were added in Storyblok v3.6.0 and are now documented.